We began our day with singing as always. Today we tried a little bit of a new song called "Spencer the Damaged Dude" , in honor of Spencer, who keeps hurting himself at camp. This song, set to the tune of "It's all Part of Being a Pirate", is being written mostly on the peep bus during the long ride home each day.
After singing we were joined by Noah Sobe (a true blue Village expert) and his daughters Maisie and Philhemina. They spent the morning teaching homesteaders how to make peep boats. This was an all encompassing course that included raft building, sailboats, and the mighty birch bark canoe! Noah will join us again tomorrow for more illuminating lessons on this tiny trade.
While that went on outside, other homesteaders worked on house plans and jobs inside. The indoor homesteaders later moved onto peep parachute making and contests.
After a nice long swim and some capture the flag, homesteaders were ready to get back to business. The first topic at town meeting (brought up by homesteaders) was chores... and what to do with homesteaders who don't pull their weight. Many ideas were discussed and it was finally voted on to make any chore shirkers clean the porta-potty. If said shirker, continues to shirk and refuses to clean the porta-potty, said shirker will miss the following day of camp. The measure passed. These homesteaders are hard core and they want fairness! The next topic was currency, again. Today homesteaders voted on the name and symbol for their money. The winning name for paper money is "snips" and the name for change is "snaps". The symbol for snips is supposed to look like a pair of scissors, but really looks like weird spectacles or two lollipops crossing each other. After currency we moved onto laws. One homesteader said, "If you break a law you should be brought before the court of everybody". Who will bring you? "The police" Who hired the police? "The federal government" No. Roarie said, "I will! They will be my private police force and I will pick who is hired." This item had to be tabled due to time constraints. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
Today we liked:
- the whole day
- making parachutes
- swimming
- town meeting
- scripple sticks
- boat making
- having balanced teams for capture the flag
- having a delicious sandwich on a glorious day
- Best day yet!!!
We wish we could:
- be less distracted by so many fun options
- win one million snips and snaps
- have a horse
- stop eating grass
- win the parachute contest
- do chores
- manipulate time
- keep the weather just right for the rest of camp
- finish our house plans
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